Pangong Lake, Ladakh


HJ 45 Editorial

THE HIMALAYAN CLUB was 60 years old in February 1988. It celebrated its Diamond Jubilee in a fitting manner at each of the major centres of activity — Bombay, Delhi and Calcutta. The festivities have been well covered in the H.C. Newsletter.

We hope that we have maintained the coverage expected of this source of reference. We are happy to be able to print R.C.A. Edge’s reminiscences of his induction into the mysteries of surveying — those were pioneering days and the excitement and curiosity of those in the thick of things must really have compensated them for all the hardships they experienced. The article was offered to us most generously by George Band (President of the Alpine Club) with a suggestion that the H.J. would be a more appropriate publication than the A.J. This is selflessness at its best and we are most grateful.

Elsewhere, we note the advent of paragliding as a side sport to mountaineering — skiing from the summits is now almost passé — so what next?

As before, our grateful thanks go to Shailesh Mahadevia for his collection of advertisement that enables us to pay part of the ever-rising costs of publication, Muslim Contractor who goes through the proofs with a fine tooth-comb, Arun Samant who has now been given the regular task of re-drawing the sketch-maps to a uniform pattern — poor chap, and of course Genevieve DeSa who has prepared the Index as usual — poor girl. Happy reading to you all.



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