Budhha Pinat fields,Garhwal

All that survives of a climb is seldom more than a sediment of small incidents. In our exalted valley humour we find them as less in our glass of memory and stir them diluted into a tale.
-G. Winthrop Young


While travelling or trekking in the Himalaya one comes across many experiences that are unique. In addition to trekking, interactions with locals adds an interesting flavour to the whole experience. The Interactions could be with a villager, a taxi driver, a local government official, a school master walking with you, a Sherpa, your porter or of your own team members. Stories narrated by them are experiences that need to be shared. All these are events through which one learns, laughs or feels sad.

The anecdotes listed here have been gathered while trekking and travelling in the Himalaya. All these events have no place and time. There is no end to human experiences, if you are alive, listen to people and learn from them. These Anecdotes are to be shared with friends over a campfire or while walking, to a companion.

Hanle Monastery, Ladakh

The anecdotes listed here are from Harish’s own experiences gathered over years of visits to the Himalaya This is the first lot of such collection and over coming months regularly more such files of anecdotes will be added to enjoy.
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