Rain In the Mountains

RAIN IN THE MOUNTAINS. Notes from the Himalayas. By Ruskin Bond. Pp. 251, 1993. (Viking, New Delhi, Rs. 250).

Many times sitting in a tent with rain falling on the outer cover makes for a depressing atmosphere. Not any longer, if you have this lovely book, by one of the India’s well known authors with you. This book is semi-autobiographical and written with great charm. The titles of chapters like ‘Mountains in my blood’, ‘Time to close the window* and ‘Once upon a time in the mountains’ tell the story. There are poems, stories and even a short play written for radio. The author’s love for nature is evident and comes out well in the writing. Where else you will find a chapters titled ‘Great Trees I have known’ or ‘Bird song heard in the mountains’.

After reading such a book, one knows what to look for in the mountains, particularly when it rains.


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