Kathmandu Valley Maps

KATHMANDU VALLEY MAPS. 1 map 1:50,000 DM 12.80. 16 maps 1:10,000 DM 195. 1977 (Association for Comparative Alpine Research, Munich).

The maps sponsored by the Fritz Thyssen Stif,tung are in 8 colours and on a scale big enough to be used on the ground. They cover the whole Kathmandu Valley. But the area being not mountainous, these maps will have rather limited appeal to a mountaineer. What may interest is the accompanying book; which gives details of the survey, translation of place names and eight aerial photographs by E. Schneider and an original map of the valley by Charles Gramford in 1802-3. Perhaps continuing their good work, we can look forward to maps of other areas of Nepal, covering the mountain ranges.


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